Saturday, August 23, 2008

HD Video to Photosynth?

Some exciting news came along the other day, abut Photosynth.  They've now made it possible to upload and create your own "synths".  If you're curious about what this software can do, check out this excellent video by Blaise Aguera y Arcas on the website.  One key issue I'm wondering about is the possibility to merge this technology with HD Video.  I don't see why you couldn't develop something that extracts the high definition frames from the video, maybe taking every 10th frame, and creating a 3-D model in Photosynth from say a short video around a house, or a long video through a city (similar to street view, but with way more potential for detail).  You could even zoom in on certain details. 
Although I don't have any HD video equipment, I'd like to try it with the simple video function on most point and shoot cameras.  Check back soon to see how this little (or big) project turns out.

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