Thursday, September 11, 2008

Vacouver Island in Black & White

Some of these pictures might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Vancouver Island, or the town of Sidney to be specific.  I had the opportunity to be in Sydney for a couple weeks through my day job and tried to get a bit of different viewpoint on the world around this sleepy little town by Victoria.  All these images were taken in colour, but after sorting through a few of them, I thought these ones looked good, if not better in black and white.
Sailboats (Sidney, BC)
Rusty Old Car (Sidney, BC)
Padlock (Sidney, BC)
Old Cheetah Tank Tread (Sidney, BC)

1 comment:

lonelygirl-13 said...

Hey, i'm Harlee.I can't believe you went to all thos places, i've always wanted to travel the world